Published Papers
- "Preferences, access, and the STEM gender gap in centralized high school assignment" with Diana K. L. Ngo. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 16(4): 257–287, 2024.
Online appendix
- "Motivating bureaucrats with behavioral insights when state capacity is weak: Evidence from large-scale field experiments in Peru" with Juan Manuel Hernández-Agramonte and Stanislao Maldonado. Journal of Development Economics 160, 2023.
Working paper version, Online appendix, Cobertura en español
- "Second-order beliefs and gender" with Kristine Koutout and Greg Leo. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 200: 752-781, 2022.
Working paper version
- "Mechanism performance under strategy advice and sub-optimal play: A school choice experiment" with Kristine Koutout, Martin Van der Linden, and Myrna Wooders. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 94, 2021.
Working paper version
- "Can large, untargeted conditional cash transfers increase urban high school graduation rates? Evidence from Mexico City's Prepa Sí." Journal of Development Economics 143, 2020.
Working paper version, Online appendix, Cobertura en español
- "Family networks and school choice." Journal of Development Economics 134: 372-391, 2018.
Working paper version, Online appendix
- "Commuting to educational opportunity? School choice effects of mass transit expansion in Mexico City" with Diana K. L. Ngo. Economics of Education Review 63: 116-133, 2018.
- "Flourish or Fail? The Risky Reward of Elite High School Admission in Mexico City" with Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet. Journal of Human Resources 52(3): 756-799, 2017.
Working Papers
- "Reduction in belief elicitation" with Kristine Koutout and Greg Leo. Submitted.
- "Gendered beliefs among peers" with Luis C. Carvajal-Osorio and Kristine Koutout. Submitted.
- "Public-private partnerships in education: Experimental evidence from Colombia" with Felipe Barrera-Osorio and Luis C. Carvajal-Osorio.
- "The limitations of place-based policy in centralized school choice" with Diana K. L. Ngo. Updated draft soon.